Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Sock Monkey

It's been cold out, so no better time to curl up on the couch, pop in a movie and bust out the yarn. Yesterday's creation: SOCK MONKEY! and I'm really happy with how she looks

For: Baby Aqsa (newborn)

Hook size - I & F
Yarn - Cream, ash grey, and pink - medium weight

I hook
With cream yarn
Row 1:  Create a magic loop, Chain 3 (counts as first dc) 9dc. slst to first dc (10dc)
Row 2: chain 3, dc in same st. 2dc in remaining 9 st. slst to first dc (20dc)
Row 3: chain 3, 2dc in next st. *dc in next st, 2dc in next st - repeat from * slst to first dc (30dc)
Row 4: chain 3, dc in next st, 2dc in next st. *dc in next 2 st, 2dc in next st - repeat from * slst to first dc  (40dc)

Change to pink yarn (or colour of choice)
Row 5: chain 3, dc in next 6 st, 2dc in next st. *dc in next 7 st, 2dc in next st - repeat from * slst to  first dc   (45dc)

Change to ash grey yarn
Rows 6-12 : Row 3: chain 3, dc in each st, slst to  first dc  (45dc)

Ear flaps
Row 13: (5 st from the back) ch 3, dc in next 8 st. Turn.
Row 14: ch 3, dc2tog, dc next 3 st, dc2tog, dc in last st. Turn.
Row 16: ch 3, dc2tog, dc, dc2tog, dc in last st. Turn.
Row 17: ch 3, dc3tog, dc in last st. Turn.

Trim - I used the pink and cream together but would look great using pink, cream, or grey
sc in every st around hat. 
tip: sc2tog where earflaps meet hat. 3sc at point of earflaps. This will give a smoother finish.

Monkey ears - grey yarn
Row 1:  Create a magic loop, Chain 2 (counts as first dhc) 5dhc. slst to first dc (6dhc)
Row 2: chain 2, dhc in same st. 2dhc in remaining 5 st. slst to first dc (12dhc)
Row 3: chain 2, 2dhc in next st. *dhc in next st, 2dhc in next st - repeat from * slst to first dc (18dhc)
Row 4: chain 2, dhc in reamaining 17 st (18dhc) Tie off

F hook
Monkey mouth - cream yarn
Chain 22 - dhc in 3 ch from hook, dhc in next 17 ch, 3dhc in last chain, dhc on opposite side of chain in next 18 ch, 2 dhc in final ch. tie off

Fasten monkey ears on just under the pink stripe, with a yarn needle. 
Fasten mouth so there is one row of grey under with yarn needle.
sew pink line on mouth with yarn needle
use cream yarn to attach eyes.
sew in loose ends and your done :)